NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 6 My Childhood


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50 Questions Chapter 6 My Childhood Class 9

  • Where was the narrator born?
  • Answer: Rameswaram.
  1. What was the name of the narrator’s father?
  • Answer: Jainulabdeen.
  1. What was the profession of the narrator’s father?
  • Answer: No formal education, possessed wisdom.
  1. How many siblings did the narrator have?
  • Answer: Three brothers and one sister.
  1. What material was the narrator’s ancestral house made of?
  • Answer: Limestone and brick.
  1. What was the narrator’s father’s attitude towards luxuries?
  • Answer: Avoided all inessential comforts and luxuries.
  1. How did the narrator earn his first wages during the Second World War?
  • Answer: By collecting and selling tamarind seeds.
  1. Who helped the narrator earn his first wages?
  • Answer: Cousin Samsuddin.
  1. What qualities did the narrator inherit from his father?
  • Answer: Honesty and self-discipline.
  1. What qualities did the narrator inherit from his mother?
    • Answer: Faith in goodness and kindness.
  2. Who were the narrator’s three close friends in childhood?
    • Answer: Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindan, and Sivaprakasan.
  3. What was Ramanadha Sastry’s father’s profession?
    • Answer: High priest of the Rameswaram temple.
  4. What did Aravindan do for a living?
    • Answer: Arranged transport for visiting pilgrims.
  5. What did Sivaprakasan become in the future?
    • Answer: Catering contractor for the Southern Railways.
  6. Where did the annual Shri Sita Rama Kalyanam ceremony take place?
    • Answer: In the middle of the pond called Rama Tirtha.
  7. What were the bedtime stories told by the narrator’s mother and grandmother?
    • Answer: Events from the Ramayana and from the life of the Prophet.
  8. Which incident led to the narrator being asked to sit in the back bench in school?
    • Answer: The new teacher couldn’t stomach a Hindu priest’s son sitting with a Muslim boy.
  9. Who intervened to resolve the incident in school?
    • Answer: Lakshmana Sastry.
  10. What did Lakshmana Sastry ask the teacher to do?
    • Answer: Apologize or quit the school and the island.
  11. How did the teacher respond to Lakshmana Sastry’s intervention?
    • Answer: Regretted his behavior and reformed.
  12. Who was the narrator’s science teacher?
    • Answer: Sivasubramania Iyer.
  13. What did Sivasubramania Iyer do to break social barriers?
    • Answer: Spent time with the narrator and encouraged mingling of people from different backgrounds.
  14. What was Sivasubramania Iyer’s wife’s reaction when the narrator was invited for a meal?
    • Answer: Horrified.
  15. Who served the narrator food in Sivasubramania Iyer’s house?
    • Answer: Sivasubramania Iyer himself.
  16. What did Sivasubramania Iyer’s wife do when the narrator visited again?
    • Answer: Took the narrator inside her kitchen and served him food.
  17. What declaration did Gandhiji make about Indians building their own India?
    • Answer: “Indians will build their own India.”
  18. What was the general mood in the country after the Second World War?
    • Answer: Filled with unprecedented optimism.
  19. Where did the narrator ask for permission to study?
    • Answer: District headquarters in Ramanathapuram.
  20. What did the narrator’s father compare the narrator’s journey to?
    • Answer: A seagull flying across the sun.
  21. Who was quoted by the narrator’s father when granting permission to study?
    • Answer: Khalil Gibran.
  22. What did the narrator’s father compare the narrator’s journey to?
    • Answer: A seagull flying across the sun.
  23. How did the narrator’s father justify allowing him to leave Rameswaram?
    • Answer: Children are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
  24. What message did the narrator’s father convey to the hesitant mother?
    • Answer: Your children are not your children. They come through you but not from you.
  25. Who was the narrator’s closest friend in childhood?
    • Answer: Ramanadha Sastry.
  26. What profession did the narrator’s friend Ramanadha Sastry pursue?
    • Answer: Priesthood.
  27. What did the narrator’s friend Aravindan do for a living?
    • Answer: Arranged transport for visiting pilgrims.
  28. Who helped the narrator earn his first wages during the Second World War?
    • Answer: Cousin Samsuddin.
  29. What did the narrator’s science teacher do to break social barriers?
    • Answer: Encouraged mingling of people from different backgrounds.
  30. Who served the narrator food in Sivasubramania Iyer’s house?
    • Answer: Sivasubramania Iyer himself.
  31. What was the general mood in the country after the Second World War?
    • Answer: Filled with unprecedented optimism.
  32. Who granted permission to the narrator to study at the district headquarters?
    • Answer: The narrator’s father.
  33. What did the narrator’s father compare the narrator’s journey to?
    • Answer: A seagull flying across the sun.
  34. What message did the narrator’s father convey to the hesitant mother?
    • Answer: Your children are not your children. They come through you but not from you.
  35. Who was the narrator’s closest friend in childhood?
    • Answer: Ramanadha Sastry.
  36. What profession did the narrator’s friend Ramanadha Sastry pursue?
    • Answer: Priesthood.
  37. What did the narrator’s friend Aravindan do for a living?
    • Answer: Arranged transport for visiting pilgrims.
  38. Who helped the narrator earn his first wages during the Second World War?
    • Answer: Cousin Samsuddin.
  39. What did the narrator’s science teacher do to break social barriers?
    • Answer: Encouraged mingling of people from different backgrounds.
  40. Who served the narrator food in Sivasubramania Iyer’s house?
    • Answer: Sivasubramania Iyer himself.
  41. What was the general mood in the country after the Second World War?
    • Answer: Filled with unprecedented optimism.
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