O Mur Apunar Desh Lyrics in Assamese and English অ’ মোৰ আপোনাৰ দেশ

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O Mur Apunar Desh Lyrics In Assamese : অ’ মোৰ আপোনাৰ দেশ Lyrics (O Mur Apunar Desh) অসমৰ জাতীয় সংগীত । ৰচক : লক্ষ্মীনাথ বেজবৰুৱাই লিখা । তেজপুৰত অনুষ্ঠিত অসম ছাত্ৰ সন্মিলনত ইয়াক আনুষ্ঠানিকভাৱে অসমৰ জাতীয় সংগীত হিচাপে গ্ৰহণ কৰা হয় ।

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Assamese Lyrics


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 অ’ মোৰ আপোনাৰ দেশ

অ’ মোৰ চিকুণী দেশ

এনেখন সুৱলা,

এনেখন সুফলা

এনেখন মৰমৰ দেশ।

অ’ মোৰ সুৰীয়া মাত

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অসমৰ সুৱদী মাত

পৃথিৱীৰ ক’তো বিচাৰি 

জনমটো নোপোৱা কৰিলেও পাত।

অ’ মোৰ ওপজা ঠাই

অ’ মোৰ অসমী আই

চাই লওঁ এবাৰ মুখনি 

তোমাৰ হেঁপাহ 

মোৰ পলোৱা নাই ।



In English:


O Mur Apunar Desh Lyrics (অ’ মোৰ আপোনাৰ দেশ) is the State song of Assam. It was written by Lakshminath Bezbarua and attuned by Kamala Prasad Agarwala. It was officially adopted as the state song of Assam at the Assam Student conference held in Tezpur in 1927.


O Mur Apunar Dekh

O Mur Sikuni Dekh

Enekhon Huola Enekhon hufola

Enekhon Moromr dekh


O Mur huriya maat

Axomor huodi maat

Prithibir kotu bidari jonom tu

Nupuwa korileo paat


O Mur upoja thai

O Mur axomi Aai

Sai lou abar mukhoni tumar

Hepah mur poluwa nai



Assam National Anthem FAQs

1. What is the national anthem of Assam?

Answer: The national anthem of Assam is “O Mur Apunar Desh” which translates to “O My Endearing Homeland.” It was written by Lakshminath Bezbaroa and composed by Kamala Prasad Agarwala.

2. When was the Assam national anthem adopted?

Answer: The anthem was officially adopted as the state anthem of Assam on January 15, 1927.

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3. What is the significance of the Assam national anthem?

Answer: The anthem is a tribute to the beauty, culture, and heritage of Assam. It symbolizes the love and pride of the people for their homeland.

4. Is the Assam national anthem sung on special occasions?

Answer: Yes, the anthem is often sung on special occasions such as cultural events, state functions, and patriotic gatherings as a mark of respect and pride.

5. Can non-Assamese sing the Assam national anthem?

Answer: Yes, the anthem can be sung by anyone as a gesture of appreciation for the rich culture and heritage of Assam.

6. Are there any rules for singing the Assam national anthem?

Answer: While there are no strict rules, it is customary to stand respectfully when the anthem is being sung, similar to the national anthem of India.

7. Is there an English translation of the Assam national anthem?

Answer: Yes, there are English translations available, which convey the essence and meaning of the original Assamese lyrics.

8. Who composed the music for the Assam national anthem?

Answer: The music for the anthem was composed by Kamala Prasad Agarwala, a prominent composer and playwright from Assam.

9. Can the Assam national anthem be played or sung in schools?

Answer: Yes, the anthem can be played or sung in schools to promote a sense of cultural identity and pride among students.

10. Where can I find the lyrics and music of the Assam national anthem?

Answer: The lyrics and music of the anthem are widely available online and in various cultural archives dedicated to Assamese literature and music.

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