Assam Police : Why and when Assam Police Day is celebrated.


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অসমীয়াত পঢ়িবলৈ : ক্লিক কৰক

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On October 1, 1951, Indian Police Service officer KR Chaudharydev became the first Indian officer to officially take over as chief officer of Assam police from British police officer JH Reed. Assam Police Day has been celebrating this day since then to express gratitude to assam police.

Assam Police Day is celebrated every year on October 1 in memory of IPS KR Chaudhary who took over as Assam Police Chief on October 1, 1951. 

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Police in Assam are the result of a continuous development process after the British dominated Assam in 1826. The Police Act of 1861 was introduced in Assam in 1862, and the Criminal Procedure Code was re-implemented in the same year.

The Assam Civil Police Committee was formed in 1929 under the chairmanship of Sir Syed Mohammad Chadullah. Assam police has increased from strength to strength. It had a strength of 40,290 in 1980 and increased to 61,263 at the end of the 20th century.

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