SEBA HSLC Exam Routine 2022 – Assam Class 10th SEBA Exam Routine


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 SEBA HSLC Exam Routine 2022

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The Secondary Education Board of Assam (SEBA) on Friday (January 7th) announced the routine for the High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) and Assam High Madrassa (AHM) 2022 examination . SEBA Class 10th HSLC/ AHM Examination 2022 is going to be held from 15th March 2022 to 31st March 2022.

ছেবা এইচএছএলচি পৰীক্ষাৰ ৰুটিন 2022

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অসমৰ মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা পৰিষদে শুক্ৰবাৰে (7 জানুৱাৰী) হাই স্কুল লিভিং চাৰ্টিফিকেট (এইচএছএলচি) আৰু অসম হাই মাদ্ৰাছা (এএইচএম) 2022 পৰীক্ষাৰ বাবে ৰুটিন ঘোষণা কৰে। ছেবা দশম শ্ৰেণীৰ এইচএছএলচি/ এএইচএম পৰীক্ষা 2022 15 মাৰ্চ 2022 ৰ পৰা 31 মাৰ্চ 2022 লৈ অনুষ্ঠিত হ’ব।

Students who are going to appear for Assam Class 10 board exam 2022 may now download their exam routine from this article as mentioned below.


SEBA HSLC Exam Routine Details

Name of examination: High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) & Assam High Madrassa (AHM) Examination, 2022

Name of board: Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA)

Starting date of exam: 15th March 2022

End date of exam: 31st March 2022

SEBA routine status: Released

Date of routine release: January 7th, 2022



SEBA HSLC Exam Routine Details

Name of examination:
High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) & Assam High Madrassa (AHM) Examination, 2022

Name of board: Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA)

Starting date of exam: 15th March 2022

End date of exam: 31st March 2022

SEBA routine status:

Date of routine release: January 7th, 2022


SEBA HSLC Exam Routine 2022 – Assam Class 10th SEBA Exam Routine
Practical Exam

SEBA HSLC Exam Routine 2022 – Assam Class 10th SEBA Exam Routine

SEBA HSLC Theory Routine 2022

Date Morning Afternoon

9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
15th March 2022 English
17th March 2022 MIL,
*English (IL)
21st March 2022 General Mathematics
22nd March 2022 *Fine Arts (E), Assamese (E),
*Fiqh & Aquaid Karbi (E),

Commerce (E),

*Weaving & Textile Design (E)
25th March 2022 General Science
28th March 2022 Social Science
29th March 2022 *Retail Trade NSQF (E), Manipuri (E),
*IT/ITeS NSQF (E), Bodo (E),
*Private Security NSQF (E), Santhali (E)
*Health Care NSQF (E),
*Agriculture & Horticulture NSQF (E)
[Agriculture (Animal Health Worker NSQF)],
*Tourism & Hospitality NSQF (E),
*Beauty & Wellness NSQF (E),
*Music (E),
*Dance (E),
*Wood Craft (E)
30th March 2022 Hindi (E),
Arabic Literature,
*Garment Designing (E)
31st March 2022 Sanskrit (E),
Arabic (E),
Persian (E),
Advance Mathematics (E),
History (E),
Geography (E),
Home Science (E),
Nepali (E),
Computer Science (E),
Bengali (E)

SEBA HSLC Practical Routine 2022 

Date Morning Afternoon
9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
4th March 2022 Garment Designing (E),
Thursday Music (E),
Fine Art (E),
*Computer Science (E)
5th March 2022 *Home Science(E),
Friday Dance(E),
*Weaving & Textile Design (E),
Wood Craft (E),
Retail Trade NSQF (E),
Private Security NSQF (E),
Health Care NSQF (E),
Agriculture & Horticulture NSQF (E)
[Agriculture (Animal Health Worker NSQF)],
*Tourism & Hospitality NSQF (E)
*Time allowed: 2 hours (9 AM to 11 AM & 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM)

Important Instructions to Students Regarding SEBA HSLC Routine

# Extra Time: Five minutes extra-time is allowed from 8:55 AM to 9:00 AM in the Morning shift and 1:25 PM to 1:30 PM in the Afternoon shift to read the Question Paper only. The Officer-in-Charge will arrange distribution of Question Papers accordingly .

# Modern Indian Languages (MIL): Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Hindi, Manipuri, Hmar, Nepali, Mizo, Khasi, Garo & Urdu. There will be separate Question Papers for the subjects – Assamese, Bengali, Hindi & Urdu MIL for High Madrassa candidates having 50 marks and time duration 2 (two) hours. 

# Elective Languages (Time 3 hours) and In Lieu Languages (Time 2 hours): There will be a common Question paper with groups A and B for each Language viz,- Assamese(E), Bengali(E), Hindi(E), Bodo(E), Manipuri(E) and Santhali(E) irrespective of Elective or Lieu Language. 

# Candidates offering Elective subject will have to appear in both the Groups A and B while In Lieu Language the candidates will have to appear in Group A only, which will be treated as Assamese(IL), Bengali(IL), Hindi(IL), Bodo(IL), Manipuri(IL) and Santhali (IL) respectively.

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