Assam TET 2021 Admit Card likely to be released today on


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Assam TET 2021 Admit Card is likely to be available today on the official website of Axom Sarba Siksha Abhiyan Mission, The credentials required to download the admit card are user name and password. Assam TET 2021 would be conducted on October 31, 2021.

Assam TET 2021 Admit Card: How to download

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Visit the official website of the Elementary Education Department, Government of Assam –

Go to the ‘Teacher Eligibility Test’ section available on the home page menu. 

Select the ‘Assam TET 2021 Admit Card’ link available on the home page. (To be activated soon

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Enter credentials such as roll number, user name and password to log in. Check and download Assam TET 2021 Admit Card and also take a printout for any future reference 

The exam would be conducted for 2 hours and 30 minutes for both Paper 1 and Paper 2. As per official notification, a candidate must score a minimum of 60% or 90 marks out of 150 total marks to qualify the examination. Candidates belonging to SC, ST and other reserved categories would be given a concession of 5% marks as per government norms. The question paper would be in Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Hindi, English languages. Keep checking the official website shared above to get more updates on Assam TET 2021 Admit Card.

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